Thursday 12 March 2015

Final Copy

This is the final media production. We decided to add more content near the end of the piece. this extended the amount of time and made the whole thing more realistic. It makes the audience want to keep on watching. it makes the film seem more realistic and makes the film seem like it makes sense. Overall i believe that we have used a variety of different camera shot and have used a variety of different shots and effects. You can see this just after the light bulb when we did the fade effect. We have also used a variety of different skills throughout the course. A good example of this is a voice over which we used at the start of the project. We decided to created a voice over because we felt like the clip needed some context and some explanation of our ideas and the story. I believe we have some good ideas. I also learned some Photoshop skills along the way. For example i learned how to fade the text into the background using the gradient tool and the over mask tool on photoshop. This created a ghostly effect and was conventional of the horror genre. We have also used a variety of different transitions through out the course. For example we have learned how to fade music out using the fading tool. We had to also do some of the shots using our own time. We all had to agree to a time when we were free and had to book a camera from our technician.

Thursday 5 March 2015


This is a tutorial on how to do the blur which we used for our main title. It is very detailed and improved my knowledge of photoshop and allowed me to learn new skills. An example of this is being able to use a gradient over a text that is selected. I believe that the blur looks very nice and is very conventional of the horror genre, this is because the words fade away into darkness. This could help with a theme that darkness is prevailing over  light. This is very typical of the horror genre.

Me and my group decided to use this idea for our main title. I believe that it is very conventional of a horror genre. I believe this because when you look at the text it looks like it is fading away into darkness and that's what horror films are about. Another reason is because it looks really good and fits our opening sequence.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

New Production Ident

This is the new Production ident for my group. It is a lot more simple than the last one and looks a lot smoother and professional. It consists of a logo and the name of the producers.  We decided against the first ident because it did not look good against a cloudy background, and having a black symbol on a white background is more clear and easier to understand. However there are improvements that are still needed. For example we know that there is still no music or sound effects in the background of the ident. This is not typical of any films as they normally have some type of sound to go with the animations. This means that we need to add these improvements for our opening to be conventional.

Production Idents should be simple and not to confusing. This is because if a production ident looks busy it may take your interest away from the film.This is why i have decided to use a icon in stead of a moving object across a screen. i believe that this looks a lot more neat and professional. Also, the production ident should fit with the genre of the film. This is why i used a crow for the logo as crows are conveyed as dark or evil.