Thursday 22 January 2015

Class Feedback

The audience thought that our sound used at the end of the opening sequence, a child singing voice, was used well. They also pointed out that there was a sound placed in the wrong place, and this was fixed when we improved our animation.

The audience thought that the camera shots were unclear and hard to understand. Their favourite shot was the close up of the girl's face. They also thought that we did not have a good variation; we used many close ups.

The audience thought that the pace was too slow for the running scene. They thought we should make the transitions quicker. They thought that the titles between the knife and the crow should either be expanded or shortened.
The audience did not understand the scene of the running man with the cross over of the clock and why it was repeated several times. The audience clearly understood that the opening sequence was a dream. they likes the ending, especially the title and sound - child singing

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