Tuesday 14 April 2015

2 How does your media product represent particular social groups?

2       How does your media product represent particular social groups? 

Our media product represents many social groups differently. For example we have a female protagonist. This means that woman are portrayed to be stronger than males and that they have more power in the circumstances that the protagonist is put in. We also have a teenager as our protagonist which means that teenagers are more likely to be able to survive in the film. Also having a teenager playing a protagonist role it widens our audience so that it reaches teenagers as well as adults.  A good example of a weak woman is the main character's wife , Wendy Torrance, in the Shining. In the film she is shown to be intimidated very easily and made the victim. This is a very good example of a woman who is weak in horror film.

 This is the protagonist for our film.  There is a scene where she decides to burn her arm. This means that she is very strong as she can handle physical and mental pain.
This is the scar that the main character gets from the burn. This shows that we are going against stereotypes of females characters being labeled as weak. Our protagonist is independent and strong. 

We also break the stereotype of mental illnesses . For example the main character is very strong and is treated normally. Stereotypically people with mental illnesses are perceived to be weak and different to everyone else. 

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