Thursday 16 April 2015

Question 7

7       Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

 Looking back at my preliminary task i have learnt a lot more skills. For example i have expanded my knowledge on shot types, angles and continuity. I can now pick out when we have made a mistake and therefore change it to get a higher grade. I have also expanded my editing knowledge because of practice on Premier Pro. I now know how to use key framing in order to make a object move across the screen, how to make an object zoom in and out all because of this skill. I have also learnt how to create titles in side of premier pro, however i did not use this skill in the product.  We decided to use photohop instead because we can customize the titles how we please without struggle. 

I have also learnt how to use the DSLR Cameras to create more unique and interesting shots, for example the shot of our protagonist in bed. This shot is interesting because it makes you wonder what is going to happen within the next couple of seconds of the shot.

I have also learnt how to edit to create more interesting scenes, for example the jump cut that we used when our protagonist sits up. We decided to do this because it confuses the audience. It also gives an uneasy feel because they wonder why it has happened.

I have also learnt how to use photoshop to create more interesting fonts and more interesting titles, an example of this is the main title which uses a glow, however i had to use the mast tool to create another layer over the top of the last layer. There is a tutorial on my blog of how i learnt how to do it. I found it very informative and helpful and the end result of the title was very good.

 This is the final product.
 I also learnt various camerawork techniques. For example we decided to use a lot of different types of shots and angles. a good example of this is when we did a low angle of a light bulb, we did a point of view shot and a low high angle of the protagonist looking at her arm.  This shows some of the camera work techniques i learnt whilst we were shooting our product.

I also learnt about mise en scene. Whilst we were filming we had to reshoot many shots because the lighting wasnt right or because the settings didnt match where the character is going. The shot of the main characters arms was also re shot because the lighting was not the same. we encountered this many times. For example in the shot where the main character is burning her arm. We had to consider lighting here because it is a very dark scene. However we decided to keep it dark because it fits the genre.

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